This policy was updated on the 2nd October 2022.  As the spread of this virus is changeable, the government is updating its guidelines regularly and we will do the same.

Our guidance comes from West Sussex County Council, the government and Public Health England.

The government have advised schools and Early Years to open as a setting we are classed as a whole “bubble”. We will still try and keep the children as spread out as we can with limited time in one area. Staff and parents are to adhere to social distancing of 2 metres, but we do not expect the young children to do the same. All guidelines are on the government website, and we will adhere to the latest guidelines.

All staff are responsible for their own hygiene and must adhere to the advice set out by the government.  Staff will do two lateral flow tests ach week and report their results online and with their manager.

PPE is not required for Early Years apart from what would generally be used for changing nappies.  In the case of a child becoming unwell and showing signs of Covid-19, PPE is available. Face coverings, aprons, and gloves. These must be worn.

In all communal areas, staff and parents are expected to wear face coverings.

Guidelines have changed but face coverings are still preferred for face to face meetings/visits

Symptoms to look out for:

We are asked to self-isolate if we develop a high temperature or a new continued cough or loss of taste and smell and book a PCR test.

Staff must report to Jenny ASAP if this happens and must follow the advice set out by the government at the point of falling ill.

We ask parents to let us know if the child or family members develop symptoms.

If a staff member needs to self-isolate, we will seek advice from the Department of Education. Testing is now available.

Book via or call 119

What to do if someone becomes ill:

Call 111 and emergency contact.

Find somewhere for them to sit, preferably in a separate room with a window. An adult will be sat at the end of the corridor with the fire exit open and with a partition in front of them. The door to Jack in the Box will be shut to protect the children. If a child becomes un well, they will be sat by our back door, within our room with a partition to separate them from the other children. They will not be left alone. Keep a 2-metre distance and wear PPE.

If they need to use a toilet then a separate toilet should be used.

They should avoid touching any surfaces and objects and cover their nose and mouth with a tissue.

All area’s will be thoroughly cleaned afterwards.

Any rubbish, tissues etc is to be put into a plastic bag/bin liner and tied. It is to be double bagged and stored safely until test results are back.  If the test is negative then the rubbish can be disposed of normally, if the test is positive then we will be instructed on how to dispose of it.

If a case is suspected, no restrictions or special measures need to be put in place other than a thorough clean. We will email Ofsted and FIS of any positive cases or closure.

If we have several positive cases then we will ring the Department of Education 0800 046 8687, advise us.  As a setting we will follow the latest guidelines, set out by the government at the time of a positive test being reported.  The setting will risk assess as a whole group.

If a child has a positive test, they must self-isolate.  If a child is in close contact of a positive case, we ask that they do a PCR and do not come back to the setting until a negative result has been recorded.

Cleaning measures are to be stepped up. All surface areas are to be cleaned regularly paying particular to door handles and surfaces touched regularly. Staff and children are asked to wash their hands as they leave home and to wash their hands on arrival at work. Staff and children will wash hands before and after food and before they go home. Wash hands periodically through the day and use the blue gloves provided where necessary for extra precaution.

Hand washing with liquid soap, warm water and paper towels is the most effective way to clean hands.

See NHS hand washing technique for more guidance NHS hand washing technique.

Hand sanitizer above 60% alcohol is subject to availability.

A risk assessment will be done daily and be changeable as the virus changes and our working routines adapts with guidelines.


Published: 2nd October 2022
Review: Review will be done monthly but information to staff and parents as and when information changes by the government.
© Jack in the Box Playgroup Limited trading as Jack in the Box Preschool.